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Howard Isaacs


Welcome back to college returning students!

The onslaught of COVID-19 has changed significantly, the operations of our college. For the most part, our engagements for this year will be online and your participation in classes will be facilitated once you register.  Thus, do all you can to pay your fees and register.  Rest assured we will accommodate you once we are advised.

The virus seemingly has stolen from us a benefit that many students and staff have enjoyed over the years- walking and greeting each other on our beautiful campus and enjoying our salubrious atmosphere. It’s tempting to despair, to relinquish hope and to turn inward. But things that sometimes take from us also give us something in return.  So as we face the “New Normal” let us never lose hope. Our world, our country and our college will rise again.   Let us ensure that we are supportive to each other, offering kindness and understanding despite our challenges as we traverse daily.

As you engage in the various activities and programmes of the college, make a difference, serve others, and be resilient. May every moment of this most unusual year be a moment for finding new ways—for discovering new opportunities in unexpected places, and for renewing our faith in one another and our God. Embrace the changes, learn as much as you can and most importantly make a difference.


Howard R. Isaacs


Principals of the Institution

The Monegaue College has to date, eight visionaries that have led the team of staff and students since its founding in 1956:

Pres. 1967-1968 - Aubrey Phillips.jpg
Dr. Aubrey Phillips

1956 - 1960

Ms. Marjorie Myers

1960 - 1964

Mrs. M. L. Hart

1964 - 1967

Dr. Kenneth Anderson

1967 - 1979

Ms. Velta Clarke

1979 - 1985

Mrs. Pansy Haye

1987 - 1995

Mrs. Gloria Johnson  

1995 - 2005

Mr. Howard Isaacs

2005 - present

We honour the men and women who have served as heads of this noble institutions. May history remember them well as their work  continue to bolster us as we continue, “soaring to the heights of excellence”.

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